Hills Computing & Training Services


Since our inception in 1996, Hills Computing and Training Services have been focused on providing customised solutions for small businesses in Perth, Roleystone and surrounding suburbs.
Our focus is on meeting your needs and solving your issues in a cost-effective manner.


Computer Training across the whole Microsoft Office suite

o365 Integration and End User Adoption

Soft Skills and other Services

Infrastructure installation and maintenance

MS Office Training

Excel - Quick Tips
Removing Duplicates, Extracting Unique Values, Quick Charting, SUMIFS function, Duplicating a Sheet, Moving & Selecting Data, Reordering Columns, Changing Formulas to Values, Splitting Data, Combining Data, Conditional Formatting
Highlights of Excel
Highlighting Duplicates, Removing Duplicates, Separating & Combining Data, Formatting Data that meets a Criteria, Using Formatting to Compare Data, Sorting/Filtering Data, Sparklines, Flash Fill, Formulas for Counting and Summing based on Multiple Criteria
Excel - Getting Started with Excel
This session covers the basics of Excel for those who aren't familiar with the product. Focusing on terminology, entering of text and numbers, understanding dates, introduction to formulas and functions, relative Vs absolute referencing
Excel - Working with Data
Highlighting/Removing Duplicated Data, Sorting & Filtering, Conditional Formatting, Subtotalling, Using Functions to Count or Sum Data Based on Criteria, Introduction to Pivot Tables, Introduction to Charting
Excel - Working with Multiple Worksheets
Linking between Worksheets, Linking between Workbooks, Editing Links, Breaking Links, Consolidating Data from Multiple Worksheets
Excel Tables
Understanding Tables, Formatting Tables, Adding Total Lines, Creating Calculated Columns, Removing Duplicates, Filtering using Slicers, Summarising with PivotTables, Adding Data, Resizing Tables, Resetting to Range
Excel - Introduction to Charting
Creating Charts, Formatting Charts, Adding Chart Elements (Title, Labels, Trendlines), Adding Additional Data, Using Two Axes, Moving Charts, Copying Charts and Changing Data Source, Creating a Chart Template, New Chart Types - Sunburst / Treemap / Histogram / Waterfall
Excel - Creating Drop Down Lists and Fill in Forms
Restricting Entry to Cells, Creating Error Messages, Validating Existing Data, Returning Related Data, Protecting Sheets
Excel - Pivot Tables
Understanding Pivot Tables, Preparing your Data, Creating Pivot Tables, Grouping Data, Using Slicers, Inserting a Timeline, Creating Report Pages, Adding Additional Tables
Excel - Working with Dates and Times
Understanding Excel Dates and Times, Formatting Dates and Time, Calculating with Dates and Time, Troubleshooting
Excel - Presenting Data Visually
Conditional Formatting, Sparklines, Charts, Smart Art
Excel - Using Ranges and Creating Dynamic Ranges
Understanding Ranges, Creating Named Ranges, Using Range Names in Formulas, Printing a List of Names in the Workbook, Understanding Name Scope, Using Named Ranges in Data Validation Drop Down Lists, Creating and Using Dynamic Ranges
Excel Functions - The Basics
Understanding Formulas, Understanding Functions, Relative Vs Absolute Referencing, Using Basic Functions: SUM, COUNT, COUNTA, MIN, MAX, AVERAGE, Using the AutoSum Icon
Excel Functions - Beyond the Basics
Functions covered: IF, Nested IF, IFS, AND / OR, COUNTIF/SUMIF, COUNTIFS/SUMIFS, VLOOKUP, Error Handing Functions, IFNA, ISNA
Excel Functions - More
Excel Lists
Splitting data from Single Columns into Multiple Columns, Using Flash Fill to extract and manipulate data, Extract data using functions (LEFT / RIGHT / MID, LEN, FIND), Manipulating Data using functions (PROPER / UPPER / LOWER, CONCATENATE / CONCAT / TEXTJOIN), Highlighting Duplicate Data
Excel - Introduction to Macros
Understanding Macros, Using the Macro Recorder, Understanding Relative Vs Absolute Referencing, Working with Workbook, Worksheet and Range Objects, Interacting with the User
OneNote - Overview
Understanding OneNote:, Notebooks, Sections, Pages, Note Containers, Formatting bullets and numbers, Formatting Headings, Adding text - writing, Using Ink to Text, Searching (both text and writing), Copying and pasting from Internet, Adding Tags
OneNote - Working with Tags
Using Existing Tags, Customising Tags, Creating New Tags, Finding Tags, Creating Tag Summary Page
Outlook - 10 Quick Tips
Rules, Quick Steps, Ignore, Reply with Meeting, Templates, Signatures, Create a new item from your clipboard., Limit desktop notifications, Create search folders, Views
Outlook & OneNote for Managing Meetings
Linking appointments to pages in OneNote, Managing Attendance, Sharing with Participants
Outlook - Rules and Quick Steps
Understanding and Using Rules , Understanding and Using Quick Steps
Getting Started, Understanding Layouts, Adding Slides, Adding Text, Adding Pictures and other Content, Working with Graphics, Adding Screen Recordings, Applying Animations, Working with Transitions, Creating a Slideshow, Creating Handouts
PowerPoint - More
Working with Complex Animations, Using SmartArt to improve Presentations, Working with Audio, Inserting Video, Printing Speaker Notes
Word - Create Visually Compelling Documents
Using Styles / Style Sets and Themes, Inserting Cover Pages, Text formatting, Enhancing images, Clippings & Screen shots, SmartArt
Word - Creating and Modifying Tables of Contents
Prepare headings so they'll be included in the TOC, Generate and update a TOC, Change TOC settings, Modify TOC styles, Remove a TOC
Word - Quick Parts
Working with Quick Parts:, Inserting Existing Objects, Inserting Fields, Customising Fields, Creating New Quick Parts, Deleting Quick Parts
Word - Understanding and Working with Sections
Inserting Continuous Section Breaks, Inserting Next Page Section Breaks, Controlling Headers and Footers across Sections, Controlling Page Numbering across Sections
Word - Using Styles
Understanding Styles, Applying Styles, Modifying Styles, Creating Styles, Creating a Table of Contents based on Styles, Using Styles across Documents
Word - Working with Tables
Creating tables, Converting Text to Tables, Modifying Table Structure, Using Tables to Control Layout, Adding Formulas to Tables, Formatting Tables, Converting Tables to Text
Word - Using Mail Merge
Creating a Mail Merge Letter, Merging with an Excel List, Filtering Recipient List, Adding in standard data if data missing in merge source, Merging to Letters, Merging to Emails


o365 End User Adoption

Are you migrating to the cloud? Are you confused with all of the different apps?

We can help you work out which apps will work for you and your staff and then we can help upskill your staff to make the best use of them.

Soft Skills and Other Services

In addition to computer training we are now offering courses in:

  • Time Management
  • Workshop Presentations
  • Speech Crafting
  • Presentation Skills

We can also provide assistance with a range of services including:

  • Manual Writing
  • Word Template Creation
  • Excel Workbook Remediation
  • Data Analytics
  • Business Process Streamlining

Infrastructure Installation and Maintenance

Hills Computing & Training Services can now offer wifi, data cabling, interference analysis, hardware maintenance, peripheral installation, virus removal, computer upgrade, assisted buying services and advice on related topics.

Our technican, Hartley Dall, has many years experience working with Telstra and other communcations companies and now offers these services full time to our clients.

Contact Info

Contact us to find out how we can help you.

Julie: 0435 939 210
Hartley: 0421 868 692
Email: julie@hcts.net.au